Find contact details for FedEx's customer support team, including email, hotline, and social media support channels. Learn about FedEx's services and subsidiaries, and access legal information and other helpful links.
It looks like you’re trying to reach FedEx’s customer service team. Unfortunately, we’re not associated with FedEx’s support team. We are two entirely different business organizations. However, to make your life a little easier, we’ve researched FedEx’s website and found the following customer support contact details. Please get in contact with FedEx’s representatives by reaching out to them directly using the contact information below.
FedEx is a global delivery services company that provides shipping, transportation, e-commerce, and logistics services to customers worldwide. The company was founded in 1971 by Fred Smith and is based in Memphis, Tennessee, USA. FedEx operates in more than 220 countries and territories, with a vast network of more than 680 aircraft and 180,000 vehicles.
The company’s primary service is express transportation, providing overnight and two-day delivery of packages and documents worldwide. FedEx offers various delivery options, including domestic and international express, ground, and freight services. The company also provides customized supply chain solutions and e-commerce services to businesses of all sizes.
In addition to its core delivery services, FedEx has expanded its offerings to include various subsidiaries and acquisitions. These include FedEx Office, which provides printing, shipping, and digital solutions to customers, and FedEx Trade Networks, which specializes in international trade and customs brokerage services. The company also acquired TNT Express in 2016, further expanding its international reach.
FedEx has become a household name and a symbol of reliable and fast delivery services. The company has received numerous awards for its exceptional customer service and innovative technology, and has been recognized as one of the world’s most admired companies.
You can get in touch with FedEx by sending them an email, contacting their hotline, or leaving a message for them on one of the social networking sites.
To contact FedEx, you have several options available to you. The first step is to go to the FedEx website at Once you’re there, click on the “Support” tab at the top of the page. This will take you to the FedEx Support page where you’ll find a list of options to choose from based on your inquiry or issue. Select the option that best fits your situation, such as “Shipping,” “Billing and Payment,” or “Technical Support.” Once you have selected the appropriate category, you can choose to “Email FedEx” or “Chat with FedEx.” If you select the “Email FedEx” option, you will be prompted to fill out a form with your contact information and a description of your issue or inquiry.
After you’ve completed the form, click “Submit” to send your message to FedEx. If you prefer to chat with a customer service representative in real-time, select the “Chat with FedEx” option instead. Alternatively, you can also contact FedEx by phone. Simply call their customer service line at + 213 23695040 and follow the instructions to reach the appropriate department for your inquiry or issue. No matter which method you choose, be sure to provide as much detail as possible about your inquiry or issue so that FedEx’s customer support team can assist you more effectively.
With multiple ways to contact them, including email, chat, and phone, you should be able to reach FedEx and get the assistance you need. Finally, you can reach out to FedEx through their social media. FedEx is active on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn or Twitter and YouTube. If you have any queries or concerns, you should get a response within 24-48 hours.
FedEx is committed to providing an outstanding customer experience. They offer 24/7 phone and email support, as well as extensive online resources. Their team of customer service representatives is dedicated to ensuring that your questions, concerns, and inquiries are addressed quickly and effectively. FedEx prides itself on creating experiences that are tailored to the needs of your business, and offering solutions that work.
FedEx Corporation is an American multinational delivery services company.
Customer service team of FedEx offers the following support channels: email, call center, social media support.
You can contact FedEx by emailing them, calling their hotline or by leaving them a message on one of the social media platforms.
You can contact their support by writing an email to
No, FedEx doesn't have live chat support.
If you prefer call support, you can contact their helpline +213 23695040.
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