Discover how Photoshop Generative AI is revolutionizing the real estate industry by transforming property images. Learn about the various editing techniques, such as colorization and selective color, that can enhance photos and make properties more appealing to potential buyers. Find out how AI can help create stunning images of luxury houses and properties and improve the overall photography retouching process.
In this video, Chris Plante discusses the use of AI in Photoshop for property and real estate photography. He explains how generative fill and AI can help in photo retouching, making it easier to create exact images. He demonstrates the process of using generative fill to brighten an English cottage image and change the color of the foliage. He also shows how selective color adjustments can enhance the overall look and feel of the image. Additionally, he discusses the potential of Photoshop generative AI in editing photos and selling properties, highlighting its usefulness in creating attractive visuals. However, he mentions that there are limitations to its effectiveness in certain cases. Finally, he demonstrates the use of the clone tool to retouch and improve the appearance of a sky in a real estate image.
hi guys and welcome to the voice of AI
my name is Chris Plante it's time now
for a tutorial in Photoshop generative
AI let's look at using AI in property
luxury homes and real estate so I guess
the first question is why invest in
Photoshop and AI number one can
Photoshop Ai and generative fill really
help in photo retouching the real estate
market well I would say yes absolutely
there are a few things that need to be
ironed out for instance I would really
appreciate to have control net involved
in Photoshop because that would really
help get a lot more control on what we
want to do on a generative fill it's
really easy for Fantasy but sometimes to
get exact images is far more difficult
so here we are with our real estate
image and it's a quaint little English
and what we're going to do here first of
all is we're going to try a generative
fill here to say brighten to a summer
and this is how AI is sometimes that's
the Sandy Dune but it's really and some
nice grassa but it's really totally
changing and altering the appearance of
the cottage so we can't use any of those
what we normally would do in this stage
here is we would just select with the
manual select wand here the outer areas
where we want to just change exchange
the color of the foliage and the trees
you know the whole sort of greenery here
and we would just deselect that window
as well but what I like are the tools
are adapting really well now within
Photoshop and if we just go to the
selection tool here we can actually make
Auto selections as well which is really
quite useful so you can see here I can
click on the house or the sky so the sky
is already cropped very very well in D
so what we're going to do is we're just
going to colorize the sky with the Hue
and saturation so let's just raise the
Hue saturation a little bit and Linus
just adjust the Hue there a little bit
and it's good to just just do it by eye
until you get a nice sort of feel here
probably what I'm going to do now is
I'll open up the Vibrance tones here as
well so we'll do Vibrance and we'll add
saturation and saturation of course
brings in a lot more color into it as
well so now we've got a really nice blue
effect it's a bit over the top for the
photograph but what we've got to do is
is now select the foliage again here and
you can see that the selection tools are
really great now you just get that pink
outline and you can just select where
you wish so now we've got the selection
of the background here and we can start
just opening up our colorization tool so
let's open that here we go The Selective
color so now what we do is we change the
colors to neutrals and we can start
taking down the cyan we can just play
with the magents take that down a little
bit as well we've upped the yellow a
little bit more cyan out and then what
we're going to do now is we go to the
greens and we're going to do the same
we're just going to put the cyan down a
little bit we're going to put the yellow
a bit higher and drop down the magenta
list let's just play with that yellow a
little bit as well and we just go to the
yellows and then we'll again we'll you
see what happens if I up the magenta
then I lower the magenta the magenta
really makes the the color stand out now
because we've lowered that right down so
we're getting a really good summer feel
now and then we just go back into the
neutrals as well and look at that tone
there and now we can just sort of play
with that a little bit until we get a
nice summer feel so it looks a bit more
summery now okay so that's good and
we're just going to play with the
brightness as well to make it a little
bit more
palatable and you can see these are
these are the ways that you normally
would retouch the photography that you
get and that's why Photoshop is so
useful to do this so what we've done now
is we've colorized our setting and
everything looks quite nice we're just
going to raise the brightness a little
bit here as well and just play with the
contrast slightly just to get a a
perfect tone so I'm quite happy with
that now
um what we would like to do
right what I'd like to do now is just
show you the difference between the
original and this one now so let's just
click on the original
there it is and you can see that it's
quite dull quite gray and we just go
back to our new version and you can see
that looks a lot more summer feeling and
you can see that in a brochure or a
magazine or you'd be more attracted to
this property of course
um so this is the traditional method it
works very well and it does a good job
so uh here we go we're going to now
select the house so let's just select
um house area as well so we can just get
hold of that now we're just going to
raise up the tone have a little look now
we can darken that a little bit as well
just to make that stand out more give it
a bit more sort of background you can
see if I go right the way down it goes
completely black and look if you look at
close-up of the building you can see the
different tones there as well so what
we've done is we've just lowered that
down now
um and I think that looks quite nice
so it's just come out of there now okay
we'll just put the selective color on
for the building
and we can see that that is quite good
we put the neutrals on we're just taking
yellow down
that's good and then we'll take out the
cyan as well which take the Grays out
pop up a little bit of Magenta in to get
that sort of English brick feel back
again and there we go we've got some
sort of tones there that would be quite
nice perhaps it's a little bit too over
the top but it's just to give you a
demonstration of how it will look and
this is the beginning picture our start
picture and then you can see the
colorization that we've put on there
then as well so it makes it look a lot
nicer so what we can also do now with
the generative fill and this is where I
think it could be quite useful even
though sometimes it doesn't work so well
we can draw a shape here and we can put
in simply let's have a classic car part
there look there you go got a classic
car now sometimes of the three pictures
you obviously get some ones you don't
like I really like this black car here
so that fits really nice in the driveway
and looks very good indeed number two
does Photoshop generative AI make
editing photos easy and could it help to
sell a property well absolutely um and
if you don't use Photoshop for your
retouching or your agency uses it for
retouching and you're making a big error
anyway okay so here we are on a nice
lovely property in the US what we're
going to do now is do our traditional
crop where we're just going to select
the sky so we go across the buildings we
don't really mine at all we'll try the
generative fill and we'll put in a nice
blue Summer Sky
and you can see straight out of the way
that we get it but at a cost look at the
difference between the layers now you
can see that it's recreated the top of
that house and that's what AI does and
that's why it can be so helpful but in
these cases not really okay so what
we'll do now is we'll do another
selection of beautiful summer Sky again
and we'll select uh for a second test so
let's do that again now and you can see
look we've got a great Sky we've got
remnants of the house but if you just
toggle between them you can see we've
got a lot of extra things we've got
trees in the background we've got a bit
of house there we've got some other
house so that's not going to be ideal at
all so ideally I could have probably
retouched this and put the sky in myself
but I'm gonna go forward with this let's
rasterize the layer quickly and that
means we can retouch on top of it and
what I'm going to do here is I'm going
to select the uh the Clone tool here and
that will allow me to just simply use
the selection on this layer and just
copy the clouds clone them all the way
across so you see I'm just cloning the
sky clone these parts here just getting
rid of these slowly you can do this
obviously a lot better than this this is
just a quick overview and look you can
see here that I've actually now got the
touch of the house I've put a bit of the
sky in so it's not it's a much nicer Sky
which is quite good
so it's a much nicer sky but you can see
that the roof has got some
sort of some issues on there as well
where it's not particularly straight and
this is obviously can come from the
automatic selection tool and usually you
do this with much more care and probably
make paths for this but I just wanted to
show you how this would work so what we
can do though is we can go back to our
original layer you can see the
differences of the sky we can go back to
our layer and this area here we can just
copy our original get our original
selection so if we come back down here
to the background and make a selection
on the background level so let's just
make that selection here up
here we'll just go to the selection
there we go we've got the selection of
the sky we just paste that now what
we'll do is we'll invert that we'll
invert that image now and then we'll
copy simply the background and then
we'll paste that directly on top here so
you can see now that there you go we've
got the new
the bottom part of the image that we've
selected we've pasted it on top of the
sky now and this new layer one so that
will just tidy up the roof you can see
there that the roof is nice and tidy now
firstly the old image here and you can
see then the the new image as well so
you can actually do anything you want
with the backgrounds and obviously the
lawn looks quite nice on this picture
number three can Photoshop help with
creating stunning images of luxury
houses or properties well absolutely yes
as I said before it can really help
retouch so you definitely need to be
looking into using Photoshop more often
and you need to make sure that it's
really top quality and the results are
first class okay so here's another
real estate picture from somewhere
outside now I wanted to retouch a bit of
grass on here and do a few things but
what I've done is I've selected the
Terrace first one I'm going to do a
generative fill we're not going to
select anything in this generative field
we're just going to press ok ok right so
you can see that these are vertical
planks now the second one is grass and
the third is just some sort of dirt area
but this one looks quite nice but you
can see I can't really control and this
is why I need a control net but anyway I
can see
um the side view here and I could select
that and I can retouch in there but I
think again generative AI doesn't help
me so much here let's just try another
one here
let's try new outside style horizontal
floorboards to see if we get a better
so we've still got the same selection
area it's not quite perfect but it will
do just for this test so let's have a
quick look at what we're going to get
out of here okay right so this one is
interesting okay they're horizontal
that's good but we've got some sort of
weird stuff going on I guess around that
tree now we've got some generic and
again we've got the vertical ones so
it's kind of interesting a bit of a mix
not really much I can use here but very
interesting to see what kind of uh
reaction we get but I think this is my
favorite if I was going to use something
I'd probably use this one but again I
would really do the decking and the
whole floorboards probably uh manually
there's no reason to use the generic
photoshop on this particular version
so let's have one last try here as well
and we use the vertical floorboards and
let's see what comes out here again so
the first one is quite interesting the
second one works too and the third one
also but it's really again very much
taken into account the surroundings of
the image and using the AI generative
fill on the basis of what the rest of
the image is so it's not really
improving the image as I can see in this
particular uh one and you know of course
I can use lightness Darkness I can do
some different tonal things but it's not
going to make it look any better but of
course it's maybe a help but usually I
would probably retouch this in a
different manner
um but but again it's showing you what
is possible and where to use generative
fill and where perhaps not to use
generative fill number four should I
invest into Photoshop and if so why well
absolutely because it really does help
make your images stand out and that's
going to just boost your sales so if you
want to get your property sold you need
to have excellent photographs and it's
not just all about the photographer
usually your photographer will do the
retouches for you but you know quite
often it comes to the point where you
might have to take your own photos or
get somebody else to do it for you now
on this particular image now we've got
this um kind of area where there's a
there's a bungalow here
um this small one level house we're just
going to select around it and you can
see that everything's pretty brown it's
obviously very Sun sun-drenched here but
we're just going to make a selection
here let's just pop that back into the
middle as well and with the generative
fill we're just going to click it uh
generate and see if we can just uh what
would come back of that and let's see
what we'll get straight away to just see
how that generative fill might work
okay so you can see here we've got our
three versions the first one is simply
just taking away the garage area in the
land the second one is uh like a flood
plain and the third one is also some
sort of path there so you can see that
you know we haven't got much luck out of
that one at all but let's take the same
feel and let's try to get and put in a
command now so Lush grassy land let's
generate that as well and obviously this
will give us a much better result I just
wanted you to see it so okay the first
one is interesting the second one is
better but I don't know where those
little uh streams have come from on the
outside and then the third one is quite
good as well so
you can see that you can get some help
on that but of course the The Bungalow
image itself you can see that it's cut a
little bit so what we'd have to do is is
Select that and we've obviously lost the
other things on the area the garage Etc
but if you wanted to show it without you
could and these are just uh the ways
that goes there so let's just select the
house and we'll make another layer here
so you can just make a quick layer uh
here as well so let's just add
a new layer down here at the bottom and
we'll just call that house there we go
and we can just paste that straight on
top of that layer placed in place and
now when you switch that on you'll find
that's okay
um what we'll do as well is we'll select
that Barn area as well or that garage
whatever it is there and we will also
paste that onto a separate layer as well
and you can see now we've got that on
so you can see you can bring all the
images back onto the top and keep the
grass as well
so let's just show you what would happen
if I wanted to do some sort of fantasy
image here so what we can do is let's
just put this in a fantasy space type
style background and you see how much
easier it is and how better it is of
course for Real Estate it's not going to
help but have a look at what's possible
a pretty interesting right the three
things we put it into space now it's
taken some parts of the grass now you
can see how this could work from a
fantasy perspective and look you've got
little things like this in the corner
here this uh old car for instance we can
just simply remove that let's put that
in there just remove that area
okay there we go let's have a look at
this end number one you just see it's
kept the same shape let's select that
whole area now and it's just completely
give it a generative fill so take out
let's take out the fence and the mud
okay let's generate that as well okay
right well that's really interesting
what have we got there a tractor okay so
that's really cool because the
generative AI has understood that I want
to remove the mud or take it out I
didn't say remove I said take out so
it's actually given me some objects that
actually would be there to physically
remove it so that's really interesting
too I like that so let's just um let's
just do it again now and let's just give
it a a direct order which is
we could use remove but let's just
generate now and see how it performs
generatively and see what we will come
up with here
and let's zoom out a little bit you can
see that we've got our three areas so
it's just finished off the edge of the
house there so you can choose whichever
one you want I think that one's okay and
then we've got a very interesting image
there as well so here's our original
image and you can end up with all sorts
of things here as well so it's great for
fantasy and it's great for building but
generative AI needs a few more steps to
go into the top level Market to be able
to retouch on a real estate level but
it's very helpful for using if you are a
professional Photoshop expert because
you'll be able to manipulate it and use
the generic fill where and when you feel
it likely to be used and if you're not
you'll be able to use the generative
fill to help you out to make things look
a little bit nicer and to tidy things up
when you wish well that's it for today
thank you very much for watching the
video and if you haven't already please
like And subscribe to our channel for
more AI related content and tips and
join me on the journey to unlock the
potential of AI
if you have any questions or feedback
please leave them in the comments
section below and I'll see you next time
all the very best I'm Chris from the
voice of AI cheers and bye bye now
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Photoshop Generative AI – Art & Interior Design
In this video tutorial, the speaker demonstrates how to use generative AI fill in Photoshop to enhance artwork and create captivating interior designs. They showcase the work of artist Susie Barker and explain how generative AI fill can help buyers envision how artwork would look in their own space. The speaker emphasizes the versatility of generative AI fill in appealing to a wider range of buyers with various interior decor styles.
AI in modern marketing revolutionizes customer retention, personalized recommendations, and efficiency. Generative fill and Photoshop AI enhance interior design, making it more efficient and unique. Incorporating AI and generative fill is a must for designers and marketers to achieve desired results and increase client satisfaction.
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