With LiveAgent’s powerful ticketing tool, you no longer have to worry about limiting your agents to working on just one ticket at a time. The ticketing tool offers the flexibility to have multiple tickets opened simultaneously, allowing your support team to efficiently switch between different customer inquiries and solve them all at the same time. This functionality enables agents to maximize their productivity and effectively manage a high volume of tickets.

If you want to restrict your agents to work only on one ticket at a time, you can do that by switching the “To solve” algorithm on in your customer support ticket system.
Answering multiple emails at once?
Take advantage of our multiple tabs feature that allows you to work on multiple tickets simultaneously. Try it today. No credit card required.
To solve button
By clicking on the “To solve” button, agents can open tickets that are assigned to them and need to be solved.
There is also the possibility to setup a feature where your agents will be able to answer tickets opened from the “To solve” button only. In this case, agents won’t be able to answer tickets opened from the ticket list. They will be able to open only one ticket at once, so multiple ticket tabs won’t be enabled and agents will have to solve each ticket in order.

Help desk notes are internal, private notes for agents, used as reminders or to convey additional info about tickets or customers. LiveAgent offers four types of private notes, including inline ticket notes, ticket notes, contact notes, and company notes. These notes can be used to summarize customer issues, record important details, and improve communication efficiency. LiveAgent also supports attachments for inline ticket notes.