Animate your chat buttons to get more visitors to talk with and up-sell.
Bounce In Up animation

Flip In X animation

Bounce In animation

Flip In Y animation

Interesting facts:
- People make a subconscious judgment about a product within 90 seconds of initial viewing.
- Color accounts for 85% of the reason why you purchased a specific product.
- Animation influences user’s eyes and it can control where they focus
- visuals that move onto the screen attract different amounts of attention based on their speed and location on the page
- The speed of the object attracts attention immediately.
Ready to try out LiveAgent?
LiveAgent provides a 30-day free trial with no credit card details required. Create a chat button for your website and choose eye-catching animation immediately.
How do chat button animations look?

Knowledgebase resources:
Want to know more?
Learn how to customize a chat button for your website inside LiveAgent.