Lifestyle. Fashion. Technology. Music. Everything that is trending and loved by millennials can be found on one of the most-visited websites in Slovakia. Moreover, this project has been so successful so far that it has expanded to Czech Republic recently. You would have to walk a long way to find someone who has not heard about Refresher – a flagship website – where you learn “what’s up”. Why would they need a help desk software, you may ask?
Imagine a situation when you need to manage the whole staff of editors covering everything from the new Kanye West album to 10 most interesting facts about Pablo Escobar to best sneaker releases of 2016. Add some marketing business and design stuff on top and you can already see how your email client becomes unmanageable mess. This is the very moment where LiveAgent, with all it’s features, steps in to save the day.
Refresher decided to go all in with LiveAgent in early 2015. They were looking for a solution that would help streamline all the communication with efficiency in mind. Compared to dozens of people operating in one shared mailbox, LiveAgent prooved itself as a godsend. The Refresher team was able to reduce the number of their support staff from 14 to just 5 agents.

This result seems even more admirable when you look at the bigger picture. The entire Refresher support team is now able to respond & resolve more than 1700 tickets per month.
Besides better communication within their editorial team, LiveAgent is also being used for communication with advertisers. Their marketing department is now able to respond to tickets practically immediately and having the complete history of communication with a customer, just one click away, helps as well. This has resulted in a massive growth of revenue.
“What we love about LiveAgent is flexibility in terms of responding to tickets and way better communication within our team.”

What has changed after the deployment of LiveAgent?
Automation rules running in the background helped Refresher’s team to transfer tickets to the hands of the right person immediately without any additional hassle. Manually assigning tickets to team members is very useful for them as well. LiveAgent helps Refresher to filter truly important business communication from community messages. This is once again achieved by powerful automation algorithms running in the background. Having a straight line between buzz created by the community on Facebook & Twitter or via email and the ever important revenue streams i.e. advertisers was to key to achieve steady growth.
So what is the main benefit of LiveAgent for your company? “I would have to repeat myself, but I cannot emphasize enough how much faster, more flexible and tidy our communication has become.” Gabor Boros. “When I asked my agents, how they feel about working with LiveAgent, their response was brief: Cool!”