Story of LiveAgent and company Ready2Order is nearly perfect proof of concept in terms of two modern and dynamic businesses working together (one of those being ours ☺). Ready2Order offer state of the art and yet easy to operate cloud POS system for hundreds of companies with big names like ORF, Die Presse or Der brutkasten in their portfolio.
When it comes to sales process and money operations, there is no room for compromises. Top notch customer support is an absolute must-have in this area and we are glad that Ready2Order has chosen LiveAgent as support platform of their choice.
This successful Austrian company went for LiveAgent in first quarter of 2016. Currently they employ 30 high skilled support agents that are taking care of more than 3000 businesses from 5 different countries.
Please bear in mind that their support cases tend to be highly sophisticated. This is only expected since Ready2Order helps their clients to work with different kind of payments and payment processors. Nevertheless, excellent support staff is still able to solve more than 1000 email tickets every single month with fantastic customer satisfaction level of 90% and still growing! Add 1200 phone calls per month up top and look at wider perspective of their effectivity/customer satisfaction ratio. It’s nothing short of admirable.

We asked Ready2Order what has changed since they have implemented LiveAgent.
“We have better overview about our e-mails and now we have a central system to collect all information. The communication is also way more efficient, said Christoph Schachner. The good overview of incoming and outgoing e-mail and the improved team communication help us to answer to all queries within 1-2 hours, solve problems swiftly and be very friendly while interacting with our customers, he added.”
With standard email features or shared inbox, Ready2Order would never be able to achieve this huge success in terms of delivering excellence in customer experience area. Simple solutions usually work and the very fact that these specific solutions are simple does not mean they cannot be crazy powerful.
Being able to live without forwarding emails as a necessity for the allocation is a godsend.

We are very proud that LiveAgent offers great overview to management on one side, but still keeps support staff happy while using our tool. We also asked Ready2Order’s agents for a feedback. What do they say? “It’s a good tool and very easy to use and understand.” Simple answer with powerful message. This is the very experience we were aiming for while developing LiveAgent.
What about the future plans of Ready2Order?
“Our goal is to solve problems within 30 minutes. LiveAgent help us to improve the response time and we are confident that we’ll get there soon.”
Well, dear Ready2Order – We wish you all the luck in the world and keep up the good work. We are proud that our solution is the one that should eventually help you succeed. Pleasure is on our side.